July 01, 2021
“The exact measure of the spirit when it strives to manifest itself in fluid elegance.” Jordi Sora
With this work, GN|MC concludes a trilogy that began with the quintet TIME TAKES THE TIME TIME TAKES (2015) and continued with the septet SET OF SETS (2018) which both explore the concept of time and the notion of infinit. GN|MC continues to deepen into concepts of physics and its fascination for the communicative capacity inherent to movement as a source of inspiration.
GN|MC continue to explore the notion of time as a fundamental concept. Digging in the idea of infinity as a ceaseless loop and with a constant interest in the joy of repetition, this work aims to draw our attention to the perception of time, memory and lived experiences, a series of infinite opportunities for time and space to be compared.
Through accumulation, variation and repetition of trajectories and paths, MADE OF SPACE explores a rigorous spatial composition, forming a continuous and infinite space. As a score of incessant succession of routes, of sustained repetition, of continuous variation and the geometric occupation of space, a group of performers who, together with the musicians, are carried away by the energy and dynamism that unites them. A network in which they share the axis continuously through paths that serve as the basis for an infinite number of variations, pursuing the constant challenge of gravity yet surrendering to it.
A space as a generating field, a connective tissue that is woven as a visual testimony of the lived and experienced landscape. A poetics of space that stops the flow of time. A wave of pure dance and pure sound, a vortex of vital energy.
Title: MADE OF SPACE | Idea/concept: GN|MC Guy Nader | Maria Campos | Direction: Guy Nader | Co-direction: Maria Campos | Music composition: Miguel Marín | Live music: Daniel Munarriz, Joan Pérez-Villegas | Creation/performance: Maria Campos, Alex de Vries, Noé Ferey, Patricia Hastewell, Anamaria Klajnšcek, Héctor Plaza, Maxime Smeets | Light design: Conchita Pons | Technical direction: Albert Glas | Stage design: GN|MC | Costume: Gabriela Lotaif | Artistic advice: Alexis Eupierre | Direction assistance: Claudia SolWat | Acknowledgments: Michael Yazbek | Photos: Alfred Mauve | Executive production: Clàudia Saez/La Destil·leria, Raqscene | Co-production: Mercat de les Flors (Cèl·lula project), Grec 2021 Festival de Barcelona | Support: BS Fundació, Departament de Cultura – Generalitat de Catalunya | Collaboration: Graner, CondeDuque Centro de Cultura Contemporánea, Institut Ramón Llull, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte/INAEM
67 minutes