
June 01, 2024



NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS is a dance performance with nine dancers, premiered at the Grec festival in Barcelona on July 3, 2024, followed by the international premiere at La Biennale Danza 2024 in Venice on July 19, 2024.

GN|MC reflects on natural phenomena as a need to understand the universe that surrounds us, reminding us that we are part of nature, rather “WE ARE NATURE”.


Inspired by the notion of order disorder, we look into the complexity of self-organizing systems in nature, seen as a microcosmos, as a tiny universe made up of a multitude of self-propagating organisms. We will reveal ourselves as an invented organism that manifests itself as a resistance to the loss of order and the tendency to chaos, reorganizing itself in a genius and harmonic way.

As an ode to life and its fragile atmosphere, this is an attempt to reassure our statement as a protest through beauty and harmony as the only way to reconnect to nature and restore balance. We can regain perspective even in the greatest challenges through survival and recognition of the beauty, purpose and perceptible patterns in the universe and in nature. An attempt to imagine what we are made of, a mass of kinetic possibilities.


Title: NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS | Idea/concept: GN|MC Guy Nader | Maria Campos | Direction: Guy Nader | Co direction: Maria Campos | Music composition: Coti K. | Creation/performance: Alfonso Aguilar, Maria Campos, Joana Couto, Guy Nader, Pierre Lison, Jovana Zelenovic, Francesco Grilli, Olatz Larunbe, Mimi Wascher | Light design: Conchita Pons | Technical direction: Albert Glas | Technical sound: Raimon Segura | Stage design: GN|MC | Stage design assistance: Pablo Huerres | Costume: Marina Prats | Direction assistance: Claudia SolWat | Acknowledgments: Pere Faura | Photos: Martí Albesa, Andrea Avezzù_La Biennale di Venezia | Executive production: Raqscene, MGM-Marta Guzmán Management, Yara Himelfarb | International distribution: PLAN B – Creative Agency for Performing Arts | Co-production: Mercat de les Flors, Grec 2024 Festival de Barcelona, La Biennale di Venezia/Biennale Danza 2024, Kurtheater Baden (Switzerland) | With the support of CondeDuque Centro de Cultura Contemporánea, Roca Umbert, Graner creation centre, L’Estruch | Funded by Departament de Cultura – Generalitat de Catalunya


60 minutes